Archive for June, 2019

Moon Mania Virtual Festival Schedule

Friday, June 28th, 2019

The festival proper will run from the 16th of July to the 24th of July taking up the same amount of days as the Apollo 11 mission. But there will be a general increase in posts through out July i.e. instead of being weekly they will be daily for the whole month with another frequency increase on the time the astronauts actually spent on the moon.


July = daily posts

16th to the 24th = hourly posts

Time actually spent on the surface = 10 minute posts focusing on the poetry and art

Moon Mania Virtual Festival

Friday, June 21st, 2019

Craters taken with Celestia

2019 is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 when people set foot on another planet for the first time – that planet was our moon, our closet neighbour. As part of Moon Mania I shall be running a bit of a virtual festival over the 8 days that the mission took place, starting on the 16th and ending on the 24th of July.

There is a facebook event and the twitter hashtag is moonmania.

I will also be launching a new MoonMania Pinterest board along with introducing some of the fabulous poems and art works that people have sent me about the moon!

Moon Mega Make

Friday, June 14th, 2019

Moon Mania Mega Make community textiles project

Part of MoonMania is the Moon Mega Make – this is a community textiles project where I am trying to get as many people as possible involved in creating a series of banners and other works to commemorate the anniversary of the Apollo Landings and to celebrate the wonders of space exploration.

I have been taking it out and about to events and am still looking for local groups to take it into 🙂

There is also going to be a wider reaching part of this project that will make it more global but it is still in the process of being developed.

Talks and Rock Handling!

Friday, June 7th, 2019

MoonMania Talks and Rock Handling

This is the current program from the talks and rock handling sessions we have put together for MoonMania – these are all part of larger local events such as the Museum of Gloucesters Moon Exhibition and Gloucesters Earth and Moon Festival.

Again more dates will be added to this 🙂

Creative Writing and Spoken Word Moon Madness!

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Moon Mania Creative Writing and Spoken Word

Here is the currently confirmed parts of the creative writing, poetry, performance and spoken word part of Moon Mania – we fully except to add more dates onto this as we go!